Tag Archives: Humor

The Roads of Life

I never really expected myself here at this point in my life. I always had this picture of what I’d be like when I got older. I would be off at some amazing school somewhere with a great group of friends and a handful of opportunities knocking at the door. I never gave much though about everything else because up to a certain point, my journey was smooth sailing. I had hit cruise control and was just enjoying the scenic views. Unfortunately, the road got a little bumpy. When I tried taking control, I realized my brakes were out and swerved off my preplanned destination. Now it seems like I am deserted on the side of an unused road just waiting for help.

Now that I’m twenty-one years old, I am not in school and have no idea what I want out of life. The one thing I was passionate about was wrestling but my days of competing are long over. A torn meniscus in my knee and a blown out shoulder really crippled my career. I still find myself going to matches and being involved in the sport as a fan. I’d love to help out and coach on the side, but I don’t know if I could ever see myself doing that as a career.

Another thing I have found myself doing more often is watching vlogs on Youtube. Usually it is couples that film themselves everyday and put it out for the world to see. They always seem to be having fun and doing cool, quirky things. I could watch them just shopping at a grocery store and won’t find myself being bored. If there is one thing I could do, it would be able to film myself and put it on Youtube. I’d love to try different, crazy things and share my life experiences with the internet. I have a lot of ideas for funny videos and it’d be awesome to collaborate with other Youtubers. I think the past part would be able to capture my life for everyday and always have that memory to look back on. That is probably one of the most rewarding parts of doing it besides sharing your crazy journey of a life for others.

Even people who seem to have it all probably feel a bit lost in life sometimes. If you are feeling this way, it is most likely other people have dealt with it as well. While I am still on the side of the road waiting for some assistance, it is nice to have some time to think about where I am going.

Lying Through Texting

I know many people have been caught lying by texting someone a message meant for another person. Maybe you lied to your parents telling them your sleeping over your friends when you really at that party you know you can’t miss. Or maybe you just are a liar. But I think we can all be labeled as fibbers of the truth when it comes to sending those fake abbreviations in a text message.

How many times have you put a “HAHA” in a text just to send something during that awkward moment when you have nothing else to say? The message you probably received wasn’t funny, so why would you deceive someone by telling them they are humorous. Or what about the message that starts out with “LOL. I highly doubt you are laughing out loud to a reply of a simple “WHATSUP”. If I was a parent and heard my child laughing in their room with no television or actual talking conversation going on, I would think they have a serious problem. But the most abused line of all is “ROFL”. There is no way a text message is that funny that your body goes into an uncontrollable fit on the ground as you laugh so hard it brings you to tears. I hate when I just say send a normal text to keep the conversation going along and I get that obnoxious reply. If my monotonous “NMJC” is so hysterical to you, then you shouldn’t attend any funny movies or stand up comedy. I wouldn’t want to see  or be anywhere near your reaction to that.

While abbreviations can be fun, it doesn’t give you the right to abuse them. They need to be handled responsibly because one misplacement of a “HA” or a “ROFL” instead of a “LOL” can cause catastrophic events in the realm of texting.

End of the Weekend

Nothing much really happened today. I woke up pretty late this morning. Last night, I went to see ten p.m. showing of the movie Safe Haven. It was good, but not anything up to the quality of work Nick Sparks has put out in the past. I will say the ending of the movie totally shocked me to the point all the hairs on the back of my head stood up. Besides that, it has been pretty much a boring day in my life.

I guess Sundays are really the finish line of the week or the home stretch. You finally get a chance to relax after a long week, and then Sunday hits. It is still part of the weekend, but it has that bittersweet feeling. You want to soak up every last bit of fun the weekend has, but you feel the reality of the week starting to creep in.

I hated it, especially in high school. It would be Sunday, but I’d find myself working harder on this day than school days during the week. Cramming everything in and trying to get ready for Monday. I think Monday gets a bad rep from the following Sunday.

Anyway, I am going to milk every last second of this weekend. I am going to sit in my bed and just relax. Probably watch some television and then pass out. And then the monotony of the week starts all over again.

One Is The Loneliest Number

Last night, I wanted to go to one of the wrestling matches for the team state championships. I haven’t gone to any this season and knew there were going to be some really good ones this year. However, I was put in an awkward predicament. I knew where I wanted to go, but I had no one to go with. All of my wrestling buddies were at college so there was no way they were making the trip back to see a high school match. I had to make the decision whether or not I would stay home or go alone.

I started wondering to myself if it was weird to go to places alone where most people attend with family, friends, or even loved ones. This not only has happened to me last night, but has been a dilemma for some other situations. Going to the movies, going to dinner, and even shopping are things I might not have people to always go with. I hate going to a diner and sitting down at a booth alone as I look around and see friends laughing with each other and couples snuggling up next to each other. The worst is when the waiter takes the place mat away in front of you as if to broadcast to others that you are alone. At least at the movies, it is dark enough where you can sit alone and no one can really see you. It’s only bad if the theatre is packed and you are sitting in that awkward place situated in-between two couples. Not only is it horrible when they stare and judge all the food you are consuming for one, but then its just uncomfortable if you look around as the couples are holding each other and making out. So what are people going to think when I’m sitting alone in the bleachers while they are all talking with families and friends.

Fortunately, one of my friends was home and called me to go with him. It was one of the most intense matches I have ever been to as the gymnasium was packed to the brim with screaming parents and a chanting student section. People were pulled out by cops and the athletes actually really put it all on the line with their rivals. As I was sitting there, I was thinking that I still would have enjoyed the match just as much by myself. Yeah, I wouldnt have had someone to talk to during the matches and drive there with, but the actually match still would have been exciting and entertaining. And all this stuff I made up about people staring and judging me was probably just something I have made up in my head. If there is no one around and you really want to go somewhere, you should just go and enjoy it. In the end you’re not going to have someone around you all the time to do regular stuff. So why should it stop you from doing something you really enjoy and like.

The Modern Valentine’s Day

Probably one of the most dreaded holidays around has to be the celebration of St. Valentine. It is not because of couples showing their appreciation for each other or people just being affectionate and friendly. I wish we saw this everyday. It would make the world a more enjoyable place to be in. Unfortunately, just like with every other holiday some people don’t celebrate the occasion. But these people take it to a whole new level on V Day. They are single people.

For Christmas, you wake up to find presents under your tree. For Easter, you find that a fluffy bunny left a basket of goodies and treated. For Valentine’s Day, some people will wake up to find a card or maybe flowers. However, before that you are woken up to all the annoying status on Facebook and tweets about how being single is awesome. It obviously isn’t that awesome when two days ago you were saying how miserable it is to be alone. I get it, trust me. Everyone has been that person who may not have a person to enjoy special moment with. I remember all the times I would be jealous of seeing couples holding hands and kissing and wishing it was me. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to fill my friends newsfeed with cries for attention and annoying updates.

It has almost become the opposite of what this holiday is celebrated more. There are more people spreading messages of disappointment and anger than there are people who are showing love. It has become the anti-Valentine’s Day. But what makes this day so special that you need to be this obnoxious about your relationship status. You’re still going to feel this way tomorrow and the next today until you find someone to date.

Because of all of this, Valentine’s Day has really lost it’s hype. It isn’t that romantic holiday of love. It has now become an awkward occasion where you have to walk on eggshells around single people. If you upload one picture of some gesture of affection, you will be instantly attacked by your jealous single friends. It’s already bad enough Hallmark and the department stores are cramming Valentine’s Day down our throat in the beginning of January to buy and buy until we are broke, but then we have a whole other company sending a mixed message: how awful it is to be single until that day when you are miraculous happy and doing the “Single Ladies” dance.

Valentine’s Day should still be a special holiday that can be appreciated for its uniqueness. If you have a loved one, a simple text saying Happy V Day I love you could make their day one hundred times better. I’m sorry for all those single people out there, but you shouldn’t take away from the spirit of the holiday. There is someone out there who probably loves you even if it is a caring parent. And trust me, some people are missing out on the love of a parent and would do anything for that. It may even be a shy person that doesn’t have the courage to say it. Either way, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Valentine’s Day.

Two Taylor Swifts: Old vs. New

Life changes every single day. One minute can turn a person’s entire journey upside down. As we get older, it is only natural that we grow. We mature physically, our likes and dislikes become different, and chapters close and new pages open in our book of life. We may not notice these differences because we are the ones experiencing them. It is much easier to see how other people grow and mature. One of the best examples of this is celebrities. They can’t go out the door without a paparazzi calling out that they are wearing a new designer shoe. Their whole lives are captured frame by frame as the world sees a close timeline of their journey. It is obvious to see how certain celebrities break away from where they began to where they are now. No one is a better example than Taylor Swift.

I still remember the first time I heard of this blonde hair, country singer who strummed her guitar as she sang about relationships, breakups, and love. I was driving home from school one day and the radio played her single “Love Story”. I was instantly hooked by the storyline and metaphor. She was in love with this guy that she knew her parents wouldn’t be happy with. So they kept their love a secret until her father finally approved. Not only were the lyrics catchy but her voice was so smooth and beautiful. I wasn’t posting statuses about my new favorite artist in fear of being judged by my friends, so I secretly just played the song on loop for a good few months on my car drives.

She wasn’t just a one hit wonder either. I downloaded her two albums Taylor Swift and Fearless and couldn’t stop listening. Every song seemed like it was written about another memory of my life. I don’t know how she did it but she was so honest with her lyrics that it felt like she stole they from your life. She didn’t hold anything back and wrote the more personal moments in her life like her album was a diary. There is no way that anyone could say that there isn’t one line that they can’t relate to in any Taylor Swift song.

The innocent singer has now broken away from her country image and turned to a more modern look. She still puts her true emotions and stories into her lyrics, but is far from the beginning singles like the song “Tim McGraw”. She has added a more pop beat into her music and with some electronic beats. A lot of people are complaining that they miss the old Taylor who sang with her guitar in music videos wearing blue jeans and cowboys boots. It is still the same singer, she has just matured. You can see her progression through each album. Her debut album was that country singer with nothing but a hope and dream pouring her emotions into every word in her lyrics.  She has still kept that truth in her songs, but has evolved from the more pop album of Speak Now to the modern sounds of Red. The point of being an artist is to progress and show her maturity. I admit, I was a little taken back when I saw the video for “We Never Getting Back Together” with furry animals. But after listening to the album a couple times, I have fallen in love. I still can relate to her messages. If she didn’t grow as an artist, then everyone would be complaining that she is just writing the same material.

Taylor Swift is definitely not the same girl we first fell in love with. And this is a good thing. She has given us classics, but also matured to give us new music that we enjoy and appreciate. Because of her status as a celebrity, everything she does is captured and put under a magnifying glass. Yes, she is a young woman and will meet guys and become involved with them. But imagine for the past five years that every person you have talked to and been together with was publicized for the world to know. It would probably be a bigger number of people than you would expect. So instead of attacking everything she does, we should enjoy her growth not only as a person but as an artist. It is nice to finally see someone that has accomplished so much and not faltered from her true self.

In A Relationship With My Cellphone

Ever since cellphones became popular, it was really hard to be without your own for a long period of time. It almost became part of you and was attached to your hand. I’ve seen some people whip out their cell faster than gunslingers can fire a colt .45 in the Wild West. No matter what was happening, you always had to have you cellphone near by in case of an incoming text message or call. Schools try and punish students for texting in class but that still doesn’t deter them from bringing it with them for every subject, let alone try to sneak a couple messages in the middle of a lecture. I also can be accused of doing this. I know this may be odd, but I almost break out in a mini panic whenever I don’t know where my cellphone is. It really is like the ultimate accessory that every person has. But the funny thing is only our generation is used to having cellphones for their whole life. Our parents didn’t grow up with this luxury, and our behavior with our cellular devices confuses them.

Imagine having to share a phone with everybody else in your house. Even though landlines could be connected to rooms, most houses only had one number that parents and children could use. This means you may have to wait to make a call. There wasn’t much privacy as people could actually pick up the call on another line and listen in. The big problem was all your calls pretty much had to be made at the house, there wasn’t a handheld device to answer a friend or tell them where to meet up. They actually had to use public telephones that you paid with coins, which are now all extinct. Oh, did I forget to mention there wasn’t any texting back then either?!

Yes, you had to actually express your thoughts and feelings vocally over a phone instead of typing abbreviated words with smiley faces. That would be awful for that awkward moment when your first try talking to someone or have to give news that your friend won’t be happy to hear. And what about if you are in a relationship? This means you need to be near your house phone all the time to make sure you answer your girlfriend’s call. There wasn’t any simple texting to show her you are always paying attention to her and waiting to her talk to her. You needed to be a hundred percent attentive and stay on the line in your house. Just imagine if you missed one call. I know some girls that will have a stroke if their boyfriend doesn’t respond in a timely fashion to a text, especially when they send about twenty messages in a row asking where they are.

Cellphones should be considered one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind. Not only did they revolutionize the world, but they may have saved plenty of relationships as well.

Movie Review: Side Effects

Reluctantly, my girlfriend dragged me to go see the new Channing Tatum movie Side Effects last night. I saw the preview a bunch of times and wasn’t that impressed. It just seemed like an uneventful, suspense drama about a girl with psychological problems that no one could explain. I didn’t know who the leading actress was, but I noticed that the preview showed flickers of another famous actor Jude Law as the doctor. Besides his role in Sherlock Holmes, I can’t remember the last time he was ever in a movie. I guess the big draw for this motion picture was the presence of Tatum.

As the open credits began to roll, I noticed that this was directed by Stephen Soderbergh. I really didn’t know the movies he has done before, but his name rang a bell and gave me a bit of excitement. The first few minutes were pretty slow, but I was already getting drawn in by the love relationship between Channing and his wife Rooney Mara. It started to pick up soon after, and I have to say I was on the edge of my seat for the entire time.

I don’t want to ruin the movie for anyone, so I won’t give away any spoilers. I loved the way this movie was shot and have never seen it done like this before. Everything was so clear that you could actually see every detail in the actors’ faces. It wasn’t shot from a far away angle, but instead up close as if you were actually there. It even felt like you were inside this girl’s head and battling all the problems she was going through. The acting was superb and nice to see Tatum in a serious film, since I’m still catching my breath from laughing so hard watching 21 Jumpstreet. Another surprise was seeing Catherine Zeta Jones in this film. Maybe I’m too young, but I don’t remember ever seeing her act except for in the T-Mobile commercials. She nailed her role and put on an amazing performance. However, the breakthrough star of the movie had to be Jude Law. I never really was a fan of his earlier work, but this has now made me be on the look out for his next roles. Maybe it was his British accent or his facial gestures, but I just loved his acting as the shrink. He carried around a very professional demeanor, but then you get to know him personally and see his true self shine through. I hope to see him play more roles like this in the future.

Side Effects should be on everybody’s must see list for 2013. Not only was it shot beautifully, but all the actors were excellent. They made you really connect to not only the storyline but the people they were portraying. I actually believed Jude Law was a practicing psychiatrist and not some famous actor. If you have a feeling of what this movie will be like, trust me that you are wrong. This suspense has so many twists and turns that you will not be able to keep your eyes off the screen until it is over.

Shoveling Snow is The Best Workout

For people living on the east coast, this winter has been one of the worst. Now that everything is finally getting back to normal after the blackouts, gas station lines, and devastating losses of Sandy; we were now hit with the storm Nemo. While I think this is my favorite name for any hurricane, I was anticipating the worst after being without heat and power for almost two weeks from Sandy. Fortunately, Nemo wasn’t as harmful as most people thought. There weren’t any power lines coming down or trees collapsing in the middle of the road. However, the storm did bring the most snow I have seen in a couple of years. It was so heavy that I had to shovel my driveway once at night and again in the morning. When I was done, I showered up and laid back for a a little. I felt awesome with that feeling you get after you had a good workout at the gym. My muscles were relaxed and my whole body was filled with energy. I never realized that shoveling could be this great of a workout.

While it doesn’t snow everyday, I feel like shoveling the driveway is one of the best cardio exercises I have done in a while. Unlike just running on a treadmill, you are putting emphasis one very muscle in your body. You use your arms and chest to push the shovel deep into the snow, and then use your  back and legs to lift the snow up and throw it to the side. You repeat this over and over again as you pump up those muscles carrying a good amount of weight up and down the driveway. Even though this is a simple task that most people do, it makes me proud that I accomplished it. I almost feel like one of the weightlifters in the World’s Strongest Man Competition carrying those 200 pound balls of cement, even though the snow is probably only twenty pounds every shovel.

Another great thing about this task is you can’t focus on time and can only put your attention on what you are doing. One of the worst parts about being on a treadmill is the timer flashing in big lights. You try to ignore it, but it draws your attention like a fly to a light. Not only is it distracting, but each time you count the seconds it makes you feel like you are so far away from how long you want to run. With shoveling, there is no timer or watch. You just keep plowing the snow until you are finished. When you are then, you just realized you finished an hour cardio workout.

I really was dreading the potential of hurricane Nemo. Fortunately, it wasn’t too bad and actually enjoyed my time being snowed in. While I’m not a big fan of the snow, I have to say it did look really pretty outside at night with all the street lights bouncing off it. As I was shoveling, I couldn’t help but to get upset. My neighbors were all easily clearing their driveways with snow blowers. I definitely wouldn’t mind having one of these to get the job done, but the part that really ticked me off is that they offered the machine to everyone except me. As I was grabbing on to the shovel to catch my breath, they were all chatting it up as it only took them ten minutes to get rid of the snow. After I was done, I was actually happy they didn’t come to help me. I felt a sense of pride that I could do something like shovel my driveway without anyone’s help. The best part about it is that I was so bundled up in clothes, I probably burnt off more weight doing that than actually running or lifting. So if you ever want a really great workout, pick up shovel the next time it snows. I guarantee it’ll be some of the best cardio you have done.

Future of Bar Bands

Recently, my girlfriend’s mom took us to a restaurant to see a band play. They were a group of middle-aged men that come together every couple of weeks to cover songs. They mostly did classic Rock n’ Roll like Led Zeppelin, The Police, and as always Journey. I was a little apprehensive seeing a bunch of guys who didn’t realize it was time to grow up and stop pretending to sing like Mick Jagger and play the guitar like Slash. Even though their appearance was what you would expect from a cover band, they actually surprised me and were really good.  The singer sounded better than most of the famous artists his age. I found myself singing along to the words. Halfway through the performance, I thought about how weird it must be for them to see music nowadays. It is totally different from what they grew up with. If music has changed this much for them, what is it going to be like when my generation gets older?

I think it is safe to say that Rock n’ Roll has been on a hiatus for awhile. I don’t even remember the last time I heard a rock song on the radio unless I changed to the oldies. Pop stepped in but even that has now changed from bubbly boy bands to songs with electronic bass lines and sexual innuendoes. Rap is another genre that has taken over. It has gone from meaningful songs about love and life to now repetitive nonsense about drugs, girls, and being rich. The big movement right now is probably the EDM/dubstep genre. It is taking over as clubs and arenas are selling out as people see their favorite Djs. I guarantee that our parents never would have thought music could be as intense and ear popping as a Skrillex song.

I’m not biased to any kind of music. I will listen to anything from country to dub step. Just as with any genre, there will be good songs that has memorable hooks and terrible ones that make you question what drugs the artist was on. As I was sitting in that restaurant, I couldn’t help but think what will it be like thirty years from now. Will there still be bands playing at local bars and restaurants covering classic rock anthems. Or will it be an all out rave with foam shooting from the walls and confetti dropping from the ceiling as your ear drums pop from the DJ’s bass drop. I don’t know what will happen, but I definitely can say I enjoy music now more than ever.

Worst Place to Go on Diet

Since I started working out again, I have placed myself on a strict diet. It is one thing to push yourself at the gym, but your body needs the proper nutrition and foods to replenish and stay healthy. I know I am not going to drop any pounds if I stuff fast food in my mouth after the gym. That defeats the whole purpose of even trying to get back into shape. I haven’t dieted since my senior year in wrestling, where I cut close to thirty pounds. It is hard to stay motivated and always remind yourself that the sacrifices you are making are worth it. Temptations are creeping around every corner. Just driving down the road I see all the bright lights of Burger King, Taco Bell, and Wendy’s. I see people enjoying themselves with mouthwatering burgers topped with sizzling bacon. I try to keep my eyes strictly on the road and tune it out with the radio, but then I hear three food advertisements that make me want to dive into a milkshake as I shove french fries down my throat. While these are very enticing, I feel that one place is the worst to go when dieting. It is more seducing than an all you can eat buffet or free burrito day at Chipotle. It is the movie theatre.

Nothing's better than movie popcorn with butter and salt.

Nothing’s better than movie popcorn with butter and salt.

How can the movies be more tempting than actually going to a restaurant. I have seen people just order water at a diner or even a small salad, but I have never seen anyone not get something to eat at the snack bar. Growing up, we all have fond memories of our parents bringing us to the theatre. I remember ordering the huge bucket of popcorn drizzled in butter and coated in salt. The thing was bigger than my head. And of course, you can’t fully enjoy a show without a nice soda to wash everything down. I usually turned down the  caffeinated beverage because I only wanted the large cherry slushy. And if your parents were really in a good mood, they’d let you pick a candy from the theater’s stand that almost rivaled Willy Wonka’s factory. I am pretty sure I have seen every type of candy in a cineplex from Snow Caps to Sour Patch Kids. After all of these decisions, you are ready to enjoy the actual movie. Wait, that seemingly endless tub of popcorn is now finished before the previews are even done. You flash that innocent smile to your parents, and you get another bag. Nothing makes a movie more complete than the full experience.

Even though I am grown up, I love going to the movies and enjoying the snack stand. Somedays, I just crave theatre popcorn and will see a random show to fill my need. It’s bad enough the prices are jacked up, but not even that will stop most people from buying a large in everything. Since my days as a kid, the snack stand has really revolutionized. It is more than just popcorn and candy, it is a full on food cart. It has hotdogs, pretzels, and even funnel cakes. Some movies even have a dining theatre where you can eat and have a waitress serve you food. If I was a kid now, I wouldn’t be able to make up my mind with all these options.

Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do. I enjoy nothing more than to get lost in a good movie and find myself wishing it never ended. I’ll admit, I am definitely a long time patron of the snack stand. But I don’t know if I could handle that much temptation. It all looks so tantalizing that my tastebuds are almost dragging me to that jumbo bag of popcorn. And I have been so accustomed to this eating routine when seeing a movie that I don’t think I could sit two hours and just focus on the screen. As a kid, I always felt bad for the people who brought their own snacks into the movies, especially the kids whose parents made them eat fruits and vegetables. I guess some kid will be saying that about me as I dig into some carrots for the next big show.

Had a Bad Day

I always want to have the best day I could have every time I wake up. I hope to accomplish something during the next twenty four hours or maybe an unexpected surprise will happen. Unfortunately, reality sets in and somedays will be just boring and monotonous. And other days will be hard to get through because of obstacles and unexpected misfortunes. Everybody is bound to have a bad day once in awhile. I guess yesterday was mine.

Just waking up, I knew it wasn’t my kind of morning. I went to the gym right away and my leg cramped up in within the ten minutes on the treadmill. I decided to skip cardio and just focused on lifting. However, I just felt off like my whole routine was screwed up. I pushed myself through and frustratingly finished my workout. On my way back from the gym, I needed to refill my car’s tank. I couldn’t pull into any gas stations as they were packed around the block. It seemed like hurricane Sandy all over again as people carried five gasoline jugs in both hands. I had to drive about twenty minutes from my house before I could find a vacant pump. After this ordeal, I managed to get home, shower up, and take care of some errands. It was one of those days I couldn’t wait to pass out in my bed.

While yesterday was awful, not everyday is like this. It’s obvious that good days will certainly outweigh all the bad ones. Despite all my problems , I was able to get a good workout in today and now can relax as I am snowed in. Despite being trapped inside my house, I always enjoy some good rest and recuperation from the daily grind. Other people find it so overwhelming when they have a bad day. They just want to throw in the towel or whine and complain. I can barely go on Facebook anymore with all the annoying statuses about how awful their life is. My favorite is when people post about why they have to deal with  so many  unimportant problems. I hate to break it to you, but there are others in this world who have it a lot less wonderful than you do. Yes, people always take things for granted as they become accustomed to them. But just take a second to think and you will realize how good you have it compared to others. And most of these problems you make seem so dramatic with long tweets and cries for attention will probably be forgotten in the next week. If you have an issue with something or want a change in your life, you need to make it happen. If you want something bad enough, you will do everything you can to make accomplish it.

One of my other favorite statuses is how bored people are. I’m pretty sure no one else really wants to read your twenty posts about how lame your town is or begging people to hit you up with your desperate attempts at attention. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve sat in my room doing nothing. It all seems like a blur that has clouded most of my high school days. I have realized that boredom is only your fault. I can’t stand by being idle in my life. If you have absolutely nothing to do, set a goal and accomplish it. Go out for a late night run or gym lift. Finish your homework that will count for half of your yearly grade. Be productive. All of these things will help you later on in life. None of those high school parties or hang outs with friends will truly amount to anything later on. I am not saying that having friends is unimportant, but being productive with your time and accomplishing things will help you on later in life.

Life is going to be boring sometimes. If it was all fun, then how could someone appreciate all the special moments that happen maybe once or twice. Memories like graduation, prom, and passing your driving tests are occasions that will always be cherished. If we had these event happening all the time, than they wouldn’t be called memories. They wouldn’t be as special.

Dysfunctional Sitcom of Life

Recently, I just watched my first episode of Roseanne. I always saw reruns playing on television but never got around to enjoy it. I was surfing through channels and noticed that an episode was just starting. With nothing else on, I thought this would be as good of a time as ever to try it out. The first scene already had me laughing with the daughter and son arguing like most siblings do. I loved the relationship between Roseanne and John Goodman as they bounced jokes off each other but then made the audience relate to serious situations. It was really well written and captivating as I found one episode turned into a full marathon. I don’t know what it is about sitcoms, but I always find myself mesmerized by the chemistry of the actors. The really good shows make you believe they have known each other their whole life and you quickly connect to them. I not only found myself admiring the characters, but wanting to be part of that family.

Not the typical family, but the Tanners in Full House were always having fun even watching television.

Not the typical family, but the Tanners in Full House were always having fun even watching television.

The first sitcom I was hooked on at an early age was definitely Full House. It was the perfect combination of a responsible dad, funny uncle, rebel uncle playing guitar and riding motorcycles, and three sweet, charismatic daughters. I can still remember Stephanie’s famous “How rude” line and Michelle saying ” You got it, dude”. The actors pulled me in with their funny jokes and story lines, even though I found it strange that Danny let his two brothers-in-law free load off him for seven seasons.They always seemed like they were having fun no matter what they were doing. The Tanner family could be sitting at the table eating dinner, and something spontaneous would happen to turn their boring meal into an epic feast with food fights, jokes, and even a talking beaver puppet. It wasn’t about how much they all cared about each other. I had a loving family that would do anything for me and be there if I truly needed it. I think it was the actual story lines of the show that caught my eye. I wanted to go on a vacation to Hawaii and jet ski, snorkel, and find myself leaving the islands with crazy stories that happened. I wished every problem I encountered would be magically solved at the end of every show.  I wanted every day to be like a Full House episode, but unfortunately I didn’t live in San Francisco or have an awesome red Corvette that played a catchy theme song when I drove it. I was stuck just watching from  the outside as I had to deal with the monotony of school and real-life problems.

Another show I started watching after school was Boy Meets World. In my opinion, this has to be one of the best and most memorable sitcoms from the 90’s. Not only did Cory have this great family, but the of closest best friend on tevlesion Shawn and him were inseparable. Even if it seemed overbearing or too much, they would always be there for each other with advice or a helping hand. Shawn even got along with Cory’s soulmate Topanga, as they all hung out and had a memorable four years at John Adams. While most people grow apart after high school, they remained best friends through college. After graduating eighth grade, I was so excited to move on and have these types of memories. I wanted that best friend that I would go on adventures with and could always call up whenever I needed. I wanted an older brother Eric that taught me about life and told me his stories. I was hoping that my next door neighbor would become a teacher and be in my classroom for the next eight years of my education. While I never had an older brother, a Mr. Feeny, or cool teacher like John that took Shawn in to live with him;  I did have some good memories with a close group of friends. But just like Boy Meets World, all things have to come to an end. High school wasn’t going to last forever, and I never found that Shawn that I could call my best friend for my whole life. (On a side note, I really hope the new spinoff Girl Meets World doesn’t ruin the series.)

Corey and Shawn were always up to something in every episode of Boy Meets World.

Corey and Shawn were always up to something in every episode of Boy Meets World.

I still watch sitcoms but can’t help but feel like they are missing something. I always find myself going back to reruns of my favorite shows of the 90’s. I still feel like they have more memorable characters and relatable story lines, but I think they mostly hold fond memories of my childhood. Now that I have grown up, I actually did live all those episodes I wanted to be in so bad. I have gone through relationships and breakups, good report cards and tests I failed, disappointing my parents and making them proud, enjoying friends and losing them, and even graduating. I got to live my own sitcom and not only connect to the characters but actually care about them. I made up my own one liners and catch phrases and decided how I wanted each episode to end. Maybe I won’t remember every lesson Mr. Feeny said or sit down Danny Tanner had with Michelle, but I will always cherish my own memories longer than any series can be on television.

Old People Are the Best Drivers

As I was coming back home from the gym, I was stopped at a very busy four-way intersection. The problem here is only one road has stop signs as the main road always has cars whizzing around the corner. You begin to inch up as the last car passes, but then another truck comes whizzing by when you’re about to cross. After patiently waiting a couple minutes, I finally had my chance to go. But just as I was creeping forward, I saw a van coming up the road. I was in that awkward situation where I don’t know if I have enough time to go or I should just wait. I decided to be a nice guy and let the car pass. I guess it might have been my quick glance, but I didn’t realize this car was rolling at about five miles per hour. It was close enough for me to wait, but since it was traveling seven times slower than the actual speed limit I could have crossed the road probably three times back and forth. At first, I thought the car was stalling out or something terrible had happened to the driver. As I was ready to get out and help, I quickly realized what was going on: old people driving.

It was a elderly couple peering out the dashboard window. The woman sitting in the passenger seat seemed like she was in pain with a grimace I’ve only seen people passing a kidney stone make. I couldn’t even see the driver, but could tell it was her husband by the cap that just creeped above his steering wheel. I see it all the time with elderly men that operate cars but don’t fix the seat so they can actually see all of the road. This moment seemed like it lasted a week as the couple’s car actually moved in the middle of the intersection to make a right hand turn. They almost clipped my car as they swerved into the street. I was dumbfounded that these people thought it was a good idea to drive. They are clearly aware that they can’t handle all the responsibilities of operating a car.

Hilarious still from South Park depicting exactly what I see when elderly people drive.

Hilarious still from South Park depicting exactly what I see when elderly people drive.

Now I understand some senior citizen are in different situations. They might not have a loved one or any family close enough to drive them around places. It actually made me really appreciate having a car that I take for granted. I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t just pick my keys up and go wherever I needed to without a hassle. It was a nightmare when my car was in the shop for one day and I couldn’t get out of my house. I could never imagine someone knowing that they weren’t fit to drive for the rest of their lives.

It is a terrible thing to have to deal with, but there are also solutions. Hopefully, some retirees have saved enough throughout their life that they can afford a car service to get them to certain places. I’m not saying rent out a limo to drive to Atlantic City every weekend, but there are affordable driving arrangements to help elderly citizen get to doctor’s appointments, grocery stores, and visiting friends/family. And if they really planned ahead and worked on your savings, it’d be possible for retired people to reside in a adult community. I have actually visited one of these places recently, and I was tempted to live there. They have everything you could need from grocery stores, doctor offices, recreation centers, and even a bowling alley. The houses are wonderful and feel like you just bought a brand new place to call your own. However, not everyone sees eye to eye about this.

Now, this post isn’t about bashing grandmas and grandpas. I just feel like safety should be an issue and taken seriously. Some people feel like age doesn’t affect them, when they can barely read the signs and determine if the light is green or red. I have seen elderly citizens drive with their nose on the steering wheel as they can barely see the road with glasses thicker than actual street signs. They don’t want to be burdened with relying on others so they can still feel like they have independence in their lives. It’s probably the worst feeling knowing you are not as youthful as you used to be. But people that are not capable of driving should not be on the road. They not only put themselves in harm, but also can cause serious injuries to other people. The past year I have seen the terrifying videos of elderly people driving into grocery stores at about forty miles per hour crashing into shoppers and even children. I personally think after a certain age that everyone should be retested and given eyes exams. It may be the only way to bring them to the grim reality that their days of driving have come to an end. Hopefully, most people will grow old with loved ones and family they can rely on. While I love driving, I sadly know one day I will have to hang up my keys for good as well.

Cheated on my Barber

barbershop  I can’t remember how many times I’ve tried different barbers only to find myself disappointed with their haircut. My relationship with my hair has been a crazy roller coaster ride. I have grown it out long, buzzed it off completely, dyed it blonde, and even had a mohawk. I don’t think most relationships can handle that much change, but my hair has stuck around through all of this. Since it has put up with me, I find it is necessary that I pay it back. I love my  hairdo and hate when I get terrible cuts. This is why it was important to me to find the perfect barber. My search brought me all over my area and resulted in some pretty awful service ( even had my ear cut once). When I was about ready to just shave my head and rock that style until the day I died, I decided to try this one place that I read about in a magazine. It was highly recommend by the writer and acclaimed as one of the best barbershops in the area. It was definitely worth a shot as I was preparing to cut my own hair with kids scissors.

I walked into the barbershop and was surprised with the layout. It had an old-school kind of feel with the original chairs that the hair stylist had to crank up and down with the lever. However, it had a nice balance of modernization with flat screens on the wall and the newest issues of every magazine in stock. There weren’t any old men that could barely see still cutting hair and nicking people’s ear. It was all young barbers that were even showing off some fresh tatoos. I didn’t know if I was getting ready to get a hair cut or get tatted up from Miami Ink, but this place definitely had some good vibes.

I came on a Saturday which is a walk in day and you don’t have to make an appointment. I was glad about this because I didn’t even know which person does the best job. I sat down anxiously in the waiting chairs as SportCenter glowed on the television screen. I finally was called up and sat in the chair of a young lady. She looked more like Kat Von D than an actual barber with ink covering most of her arms. I was a little bit nervous at first. I told her the kind of cut I wanted and she began to trim my hair. I got myself ready and cringed a little in case of a quick ear nip with the scissors. But to my surprise, my ears with left in tack. I was able to relax during my haircut as I watched sports and made small talk with my barber. After she pulled off the tarp from my body, I couldn’t believe how awesome my hair came out. It was exactly the way I wanted it. I thanked her as if she was a doctor that just successful performed a triple bypass surgery on me. My search had ended  for the perfect barbershop and I even threw out those children scissors I was tempted to cut my hair with.

Three weeks had passed and I could tell it was time for me to get another trim. I went again on a Saturday but I knew exactly which barber I wanted. I stepped into the shop and excitedly sat down. The girl who gave me my awesome hair cut was busy with someone else. I didn’t mind waiting at all. I already took enough time finding this place, what would a couple more minutes do. As I picked up a new magazine, one of the other barber’s chair had become empty. He looked at me and asked if I wanted for him to cut my hair. I knew that I wanted my original barber, but now I was pressured into answering his question. He told me not to wait any longer and convinced me to let him give me a haircut. This would be one of the most emotional moment I have ever had at a barber shop.

As he began trimming my head, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable as my original choice was cutting some other guy’s head. It was like I just abandoned her when someone new came running along. I felt awkward as me and the new guy made small talk and laughed a bit. She was dead silent with her customer. This is what it must feel like to cheat on your significant other as they watch you do it. And the worst part about it was my haircut came out amazing. It was even better than the one from three weeks ago. I tried hiding my excitement but I couldn’t. As I thanked the guy for an awesome job, it felt like her eyes were piercing the back of my head as she watched. I tipped the barber and had to walk out as I awkwardly said goodbye to the girl. She faked a smile but I could tell she wasn’t happy.

Now with my new haircut, I am put in a weird position of what to do. I love going to this place, especially since everywhere else around me is nowhere close to their prices and excellent service. Do I go crawling back to my original barber after she witnessed me with another hairstylist? Or do I move on with my life and accept that I need to do what’s best for me? I’ll probably just wait for Saturday when it is a walk-in day and let the scissors of destiny pick who will cut my hair.